Working papers
5. Information measures of human microbiota diversity
With Renata Gallegos.
4. Mode hunting for multimodal data
With Tianhao Liu and J. Sunil Rao.
3. Spatial Ξ-Fleming-Viot processes
With Alison Etheridge.
2. Poisson multi-matchings
1. Continuum percolation in high dimensions with random radii
22. Statistical learning does not always entail knowledge [arχiv]
Bayesian Analysis (Submitted), 2025.
With H. Renata Gallegos, Ola Hössjer, and J. Sunil Rao.
21. An Information Theoretic Approach to Prevalence Estimation and Missing Data [Journal] [arχiv]
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 70(5):3567-3582, 2024.
With Ola Hössjer, Chen Zhao, and J. Sunil Rao.
20. Is it possible to know cosmological fine-tuning? [Journal] [arχiv]
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 271(2):56, 2024 (Open access).
With Ola Hössjer and Calvin Mathew.
19. “Back-to-the-future” projections for COVID-19 surges [Journal]
PLOS One, 19(1):e0296964 2024 (Open access).
With Tianhao Liu and J. Sunil Rao.
18. Algorithmic information forcastability [arχiv]
Submitted, 2023.
With Glauco Amigo-Galán and Robert J. Marks II.
17. Correcting prevalence estimation for biased sampling with testing errors [Journal]
Statistics in Medicine, 42(26):4713-4737, 2023 (Open access).
With Lili Zhou, Chen Zhao, J. Sunil Rao, and Ola Hössjer.
16. Bridging Industry, Government, and Academia for Socially Responsible AI: The CSEAI Initiative.
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ETHICS), 1-1, 2023.
With Pablo Rivas, Laura Montoya, and Jorge Ortiz.
15. Sometimes size does not matter [Journal] [Manuscript] [Poster]
Foundations of Physics, 53:1, 2023.
With Ola Hössjer and Robert J. Marks II.
14. High-Dimensional Mode Hunting Using Pettiest Components Analysis [Journal] [arχiv]
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 45(4):4637-4649, 2023.
With Tianhao Liu, J. Sunil Rao, and Jean-Eudes Dazard.
13. Planning a Center for Standards and Ethics in Artificial Intelligence. [pdf]
Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning Research, 1-22. 2022.
With Pablo Rivas, Laura Montoya, and Jorge Ortiz.
12. A Formal Framework for Knowledge Acquisition: Going Beyond Machine Learning [Journal]
Entropy, 24(10):1469, 2022 (Open access).
With Ola Hössjer and J. Sunil Rao.
11. Assessing, testing and estimating the amount of fine-tuning by means of active information [Journal]
Entropy, 24(10):1323, 2022 (Open access). Editor’s choice article.
With Ola Hössjer.
10. Is Cosmological Tuning Fine or Coarse? [Journal] [arχiv]
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, JCAP07(2021)020, 2021.
With Ola Hössjer and Robert J. Marks II.
9. A simple correction for COVID-19 sampling bias [Journal] [arχiv]
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 512:110556, 2021.
With J. Sunil Rao.
8. Active Information Requirements for Fixation on the Wright-Fisher Model of Population Genetics [Journal]
BIO-Complexity, 2020(4):1–6, 2020 (Open access).
With Robert J. Marks II.
7. Generalized active information: Extensions to unbounded domains [Journal]
BIO-Complexity, 2020(3):1–6, 2020 (Open access).
With Robert J. Marks II.
6. Hypothesis testing with active information [Journal] [arχiv]
Statistics & Probability Letters, 161:108742, 2020.
With Juan P. Sáenz and J. Sunil Rao.
5. Mode hunting through active information [Journal] [arχiv]
Applied Stochastic Models in Business & Industry, 35(2):376–393, 2019.
With Juan P. Sáenz, J. Sunil Rao, and Jean-Eudes Dazard.
4. Unsupervised Bump Hunting Using Principal Components [Book chapter] [arχiv]
In S. Ejaz Ahmed, editor, Big and Complex Data Analysis: Methodologies and Applications, pp. 325–345. Springer, 2017.
With Jean-Eudes Dazard and J. Sunil Rao.
3. F tests for the strip-split plot design [Journal] [arχiv]
Revista Brasileira de Biometria, 34(2):279–303, 2016.
With Francisco J. P. Zimmermann and Luis Alberto López-Pérez.
2. Percolation for the stable marriage of Poisson and Lebesgue with random appetites [Journal] [arχiv]
Stochastics, 85(2):252–261, 2013.
1. A note on large deviations for the stable marriage of Poisson and Lebesgue with random appetites [Journal] [arχiv]
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 25(1):77–91, 2012.
2. Algumas propriedades de alocações para o processo pontual de Poisson [pdf]
Advisor: Serguei Popov.
Doctoral dissertation (Portuguese). Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, 2009.
1. Hipótesis lineales sobre medias para experimentos de franjas en parcelas divididas [pdf]
Advisors: Luis Alberto López-Pérez and Francisco J. P. Zimmermann.
Undergraduate dissertation (Spanish). Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2004.